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Planning Board Minutes 2009/01/22
January 22, 2009
7:00 PM

Present:        Peggy Chalmers, Chairman
                Allan Davis, Vice- Chairman
                Bruce Jennings
                Philip Porter
                Peter White
                Michael Marquise, Town Planner

Also Present: Bob Stanley
                Katie Richardson
                Van Webb
                Tim Fluery

Absent: Derek Tatlock
Emma Smith, Ex-Officio
                Frederick Gallup, Ex-Officio Alternate
                Roger Landry, Zoning Administrator

The meeting was called to order at 7:05PM by Chairman Peggy Chalmers.

Peggy received paperwork from Donna Gazelle requesting that the Beautification Oversight Committee wants to install “Welcome to Sunapee” signs. These would be at three points on Route 11 and 103B coming into the village. The Board generally supports this.
Bob Stanley attended the meeting as a potential member of the Planning Board.

Van Webb discussed hiring someone from Upper Valley for writing the Natural Resources section. We reviewed the Future Land Use map.
Community Design-The Board felt it was worthwhile to talk with Upper valley about examples or planners who might help us.
Economic Development-It was agreed that we would update the graphs in this section and have limited recommendations.
Regional Concerns: Mount Sunapee Ski Area, Hospital expansion, Lebanon growth, Corbin Park.

The meeting adjourned at 8:40PM

NOTE:  The above minutes represent a summary of, not a verbatim of the tape.